Rebuild the Internet Project

2 min readMar 2, 2021


I was very interested by the concepts of space, time, self, and knowledge in chapter one of Small Pieces. I chose to make them the focus of my project.

Space in my piece can be something that takes up a lot of the canvas, or takes up very little. However, while the pieces that make the internet can vary in how much they take up, I wanted to show that they all cumulatively take the entire space of the canvas to try and express how large of a media it is now.

Time, as described by Weinberger, could feel different online than it does outside of the internet. I tried to mimic a sort of Dali clock in my piece to show how warped this concept could become while online.

For the concept of self I did a self portrait of me looking into a mirror. I personally feel like if the person I were online were to materialize and become an actual person, I would not be able to recognize them like I do when I look at myself in a mirror.

Finally, for knowledge I drew a basic light bulb to generalize all the new information we consume through the internet. I drew circuit-looking pathways to try and show the transfer of it, but also tried to show the users that interact with all of that information. I tried to express how people monitor it, how inaccessible or accessible it can be for certain circles, how bridges can be built across communities through those interactions, and what people choose to amplify.




Junior studying psychology, and dabbling in visual arts.